Dear Users. Please note that the current Teamviewer IoT Cloud API will be deprecated as of 31.12.2021 and replaced with TeamViewer Web API so we strongly suggest to move to Web API and also use only that API going forward. You can find the documentation by this Link
The IoT Public API uses the RESTful approach.
Only GET (for get actions) and POST (for create, update and delete actions) requests are allowed.
Other methods will be rejected silently.
Operation | HTTP Method |
Create | POST |
Read (Retrieve) | GET |
Update (Modify) | POST |
Delete (Destroy) | POST |
The API server is located at and supports only HTTPS connections.
The API requests should be in the following RESTful form:{action}
For example:
The following HTTPS Headers should be in any request:
Header | Value | Description |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer {apikey} | API Key can be obtained from API Key menu item in IoT Dashboard. |
Accept | Accept: application/json; Version={version}; | Version is not mandatory. If version is not set than latest api version is considered. Current api version is 2.0.0. |
POST requests require to send data as a JSON in request body. Action and payload details are provided per each request.
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | Possible values are.
payload | JSON | Details required for certain request. E.g. in order to add dashboard, dasboard name should be provided. |
"action": "create",
"name": "My Dashboard"
Error response for all API actions has the same structure:
Field | Type | Description |
error | JSON | Available fields are: code - unique integer value of the error desc - description of the error |
"error": {
"code": "11",
"desc": "Warn.could not detect any correct action."
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
data | String | Assignment token is used to assign the device to the account. |
"data": "8704847-hJtfCI6YS1Lr9i6dW3Yu",
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
data | String | Assignment token is used to assign the device to the account. |
"action": "update",
"payload": {
"action": "update"
"data": "8704847-hJtfCI6YS1Lr9i6dW3Yu",
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
firstname | String | First name of the user |
lastname | String | Last name of the user |
String | Email address of the user | |
license | JSON | Existing license of the user |
eulaagreement | Integer | 1 if user has accepted EULA, 0 otherwise. |
"data": {
"license": {
"type": "Free",
"version": 13
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Smith",
"id": "u100000",
"email": "",
"eulaagreement": 1
"status": "OK"
Returns nested list of all groups, devices, contacts, sensors and metrics.
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | Long | Unique ID of group |
name | String | Name of the group |
permission | Integer | User's permissions for the group. 1 - Read Only 2 - Read/Write 3 - Owned by user 4 - Full Access |
sharedWith | JSON[] | List of the contacts the group is shared with. See the structure of contact JSON object below. |
userId | Long | ID of the contact |
name | String | Name of the contact |
permission | Integer | Contact's permissions for the group. 1 - Read Only 2 - Read/Write 3 - Owned by user 4 - Full Access |
Contacts | JSON[] | List of the contacts in the group. See the structure of contact JSON object below. |
id | Long | ID of the contact |
name | String | Name of the contact |
state | Integer | Availability status of the contact. 0 - Online 1 - Busy 2 - Away 3 - Offline |
String | Email of the contact | |
devices | JSON[] | List of the devices in the group. See the structure of device JSON object below. |
id | Long | ID that is unique to this device and can be used to start a remote control session |
buddyId | Long | ID that is unique for this device within current user's device list. |
name | String | Name that the current user has given to this device |
deviceType | Integer | Type of the device - IoT or else. 1 - not IOT device 2 - IOT device |
state | Integer | Availability status of the device. 1 - Offline 2 - Online |
description | String | The description that the current user has set for this device |
version | String | Version of the IoT agent running on the device. |
alarm | Integer | The highest severity of the alarms associated with device. 1 - Critical 2 - Major 3 - Minor 4 - Warning |
sensors | JSON[] | List of the sensors in the device. See the structure of sensor JSON object below. |
id | Long | ID of the Sensor |
name | String | Name of the Sensor |
provisionedsensorid | String | ID of the sensor in the scope of device MQTT API) |
scriptPath | String | Path of the script being executed by TeamViewer IoT agent in order to get metric values. |
sensorType optional |
Integer |
metricsCount | Integer | Number of metrics of corresponding sensor |
frequency | Json | Metric values' update frequency. See the structure of frequency JSON object below. |
type | String | Time interval type.
value | Integer | Number of minutes or seconds. |
metrics | JSON[] | List of the metrics in the sensor. See the structure of metric JSON object below. |
id | String | ID of the metric |
name | String | Name of the metric |
valueUnit | String | One of the common unit of measures set for the metric, e.g. Celsius, Pascal, etc. |
valueAnnotation | String | Custom unit of measure set for the metric. |
valueType | String | Data type of the metric.
params optional |
JSON | Now available only for opc-ua sensor. Parameters for the script. See the structure of param JSON below. |
nodeids | String | Node ids and metric ids mapping separated by the space. "nodeId1 metricId1 nodeId2 metricId2" |
"data": [
"id": 33858,
"name": "My computers",
"permission": 3,
"owner": 29469,
"devices": [
"id": 2000000472,
"buddyId": 9135,
"name": "IoT Gateway 2D",
"deviceType": 2,
"state": 1,
"sensorsCount": "7",
"metricsCount": "21",
"description": "my IoT device",
"isMonitoringEnabled": true,
"version": "2.6.3",
"alarm": "2",
"systemHealthTypes": {
"CPU": true,
"Memory": false,
"Load": false
"sensors": [
"id": 106631,
"provisionedSensorId": "6e1033c0c1e04790a7b25670a84a930a",
"name": "CPU",
"systemHealthType": 1,
"isPluginSensor": false,
"scriptPath": "",
"metricsCount": "6",
"frequency": {
"type": "minutes",
"value": 10
"metrics": [
"id": "d070dcc1ac904f8eb7f011d5a492fc09",
"name": "User CPU Usage",
"valueUnit": "SI.Temperature.CELSIUS",
"valueType": "double",
"alarm": "1"
"id": "66eec832592c474a9acf67900569fd51",
"name": "System CPU Usage",
"valueAnnotation": "Percent",
"valueType": "double"
"sharedWith": [
"name": "qaiotdev",
"permission": "full"
"contacts": [
"id": 6574,
"name": "qaiotdev",
"state": 3,
"email": ""
"status": "OK",
"timestamp": 1586941553678
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | Long | ID that is unique to this device and can be used to start a remote control session |
buddyId | Long | ID that is unique for this device within current user's device list. |
name | String | Name that the current user has given to this device |
devicetype | Integer | Type of the device - IoT or else. 1 - not IOT device 2 - IOT device |
"data": [
"id": 2064781955,
"name": "IoT Gateway 3B",
"devicetype": 2,
"buddyid": 127451284,
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | Group name |
devices optional |
JSON[] | The list of device ids in following format ["deviceid1","deviceid2"] |
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | Long | ID of the newly created group |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "New Group",
"devices": ["456931800","678991800"]
"data": {
"id": 29988
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | Long | ID of the group |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"id": 29988
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | Long | ID of the group |
name | String | Name of the group |
permission | Integer | Access-permissions of the user on this group. 1 - Read 2 - Read/Write 3 - Owned 4 - Full access |
sharedWith | JSON[] | List of the contacts the group is shared with. See the structure of contact JSON object below. |
userId | Long | ID of the contact |
name | String | Name of the contact |
permission | Integer | Contact's permissions for the group. 1 - Read Only 2 - Read/Write 3 - Owned by user 4 - Full Access |
contacts | JSON[] | List of the contacts in the group. See the structure of contact JSON object below. |
id | Long | ID of the contact |
name | String | Name of the contact |
state | Integer | Availability status of the contact. 0 - Online 1 - Busy 2 - Away 3 - Offline |
String | Email of the contact | |
devices | JSON[] | List of the devices in the group. See the structure of device JSON object below. |
id | Long | ID that is unique for this device within current user's device list. |
tvId | Long | ID that is unique to this device and can be used to start a remote control session |
name | String | Name that the current user has given to this device |
"data": [
"id": 29988,
"name": "edited",
"permission": 3,
"sharedWith": [],
"devices": [],
"contacts": []
"id": 27878,
"name": "foo",
"permission": 4,
"sharedWith": [
"name": "qaiotdev",
"permission": 3
"devices": [
"id": 5439,
"tvId": 2000001130,
"name": "raspberrypi"
"id": 597,
"tvId": 2082190472,
"name": "qa-iot"
"contacts": [
"id": 6574,
"name": "qaiotdev",
"state": 3,
"email": ""
"id": 5380,
"name": "test",
"state": 3,
"email": ""
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | Long | ID of the group |
name optional |
String | Name of the group |
devices optional |
JSON[] | List of device ids in following format ["456931800","678991800"] |
"devices": ["456931800","678991800"]
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | Long | ID of the group |
contacts | JSON[] | List of the contacts to share the group with. See the structure of contact JSON object below. |
id | Integer | ID of the contact. |
permission | Integer | Contact's permissions for this group. 1 - Read Only 2 - Read/Write 3 - Owned by user 4 - Full Access |
"id": 24599,
"permission": 1
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | Long | ID of the group |
contacts | JSON[] | List of contacts to remove from the group's shared contacts list. Use following format [{"id":24599},{"id":124124}] |
"status": "OK"
Use this request to create a custom sensor with any set of metrics. The script for getting metric values must exist on the device. Script path should be provided in the request.
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | Name of the sensor |
frequency | JSON | value - Data will be sent by this interval. Value should be more than or equal to 1 second type - This field can have the following values:
deviceId | Long | ID of the device |
scriptPath | String | Path of a Python or Bash script which prints to console metric id and value pairs in following JSON format. {"metricId": value} Predefined value for the opc-ua sensor:
sensorType optional |
Integer |
metrics | JSON[] | List of metrics within the sensor. See the structure of metric JSON below. |
id | String | ID of the metric. Should be same as in the output of the script. |
name | String | Name of the metric |
valueType | String |
valueUnit | String | Optional field to define a common unit for metric values. Common units are:
valueAnnotation | String | Optional field to define a custom unit for metric values. |
params optional |
JSON | Now available only for opc-ua sensor. Parameters for the script. See the structure of param JSON below. |
nodeids | String | Node ids and metric ids mapping separated by the space. "nodeId1 metricId1 nodeId2 metricId2" Provide the nodeId as in the example: 'ns=1;s=Folder.Item.Property'. Metric ids should be the same provided in the metrics array. |
Instructions for OPC-UA sensor
TeamViewer IoT Agent has a built in OPC UA client. It can connect to OPC UA Servers and collect node values.
In IoT Cloud "Metric" represents the OPC UA node and "Sensor" groups them.
Install OPC UA connector on the edge device:
sudo teamviewer-iot-agent install opcua
Edit the configuration file according to your OPC UA server settings:
vim /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/scripts/opcua/opcua.conf
Note: Now supporting only one opc-ua sensor per devices.
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "New Sensor",
"deviceId": 2000565656,
"scriptPath": "/home/",
"frequency": {
"type": "seconds",
"value": 10
"metrics": [
"id": "temp",
"name": "Temperature",
"valueType": "double",
"valueUnit": "SI.Temperature.CELSIUS"
"id": "vel",
"name": "Velocity",
"valueType": "double",
"valueAnnotation": "km/h"
"id": "status",
"name": "Status",
"valueType": "string"
"data": {
"id": 486471
"status": "OK"
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "New opc-ua Sensor",
"deviceId": 2000565656,
"scriptPath": "/var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/scripts/opcua/",
"frequency": {
"type": "seconds",
"value": 10
"metrics": [
"id": "temp",
"name": "Temperature",
"valueType": "double",
"valueUnit": "SI.Temperature.CELSIUS"
"id": "vel",
"name": "Velocity",
"valueType": "double",
"valueAnnotation": "km/h"
"params": {
"nodeids":"'ns=1;s=Folder.Item.Temp' temp 'ns=1;s=Folder.Item.Velocity' vel"
"data": {
"id": 123456
"status": "OK"
Use this request to create a CPU, Memory or Load sensors. These sensors measure device health such as cpu and memory usage, load average and more.
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | Name of the sensor |
frequency | JSON | value - Data will be sent by this interval. Value should be more than or equal to 1 second type - This field can have the following values:
deviceId | Long | ID of the device |
systemHealthType | Integer |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "New Sensor",
"deviceId": 2000565656,
"frequency": {
"type": "seconds",
"value": 10
"systemHealthType": 1
"data": {
"id": 486471
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | Long | ID of the sensor |
deviceId | Long | ID of the device |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"id": 52342,
"deviceId": 2000000048
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | Long | ID of the Sensor |
name | String | Name of the sensor |
provisionedsensorid | String | ID of the sensor in the scope of device MQTT API) |
device | JSON | Device info that sensor belongs to. id - Id of the device name - Name of the device |
"data": [
"name": "unispeed61507279058",
"id": 8807,
"provisionedsensorid": "8cb243947fa24675a7495f26a917d557",
"device": {
"name": "Device_1",
"id": 2000001925
"name": "New Sensor",
"id": 486471,
"provisionedsensorid": "486471",
"device": {
"name": "Device_2",
"id": 2000565656
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | Long | ID of the sensor |
frequency | JSON | value - Data will be sent by this interval. Value should be more than or equal to 0 second type - This field can have the following values:
scriptPath | String | Path of a Python or Bash script which prints to console metric id and value pairs in following JSON format. {"metricId": value} Predefined value for the opc-ua sensor:
sensorType optional |
Integer |
metrics | JSON[] | List of metrics within the sensor. See the structure of metric JSON below. |
id | String | ID of the metric. Should be same as in the output of the script. |
name | String | Name of the metric |
valueType | String |
valueUnit | String | Optional field to define predefined unit for metric values. Metric type will be a double in case of these units. Predefined valid units are:
valueAnnotation | String | Optional field to define a custom unit for metric values. |
params optional |
JSON | Now available only for opc-ua sensor. Parameters for the script. See the structure of param JSON below. |
nodeids | String | Node ids and metric ids mapping separated by the space. "nodeId1 metricId1 nodeId2 metricId2" Provide the nodeId as in the example: 'ns=1;s=Folder.Item.Property'. Metric ids should be the same provided in the metrics array. |
"action": "update",
"payload": {
"id": 486471,
"name": "Updating Sensor",
"frequency": {
"type": "seconds",
"value": 5
"metrics": [
"id": "temperature3",
"name": "Temperature 3",
"valueType": "double",
"valueAnnotation": "C"
"scriptPath": "/home/"
"data": {
"id": 486471
"status": "OK"
"data": [3],
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | ID of the metric |
name | String | Name of the metric |
valueUnit | String | One of the common unit of measures set for the metric, e.g. Celsius, Pascal, etc. |
valueAnnotation | String | Custom unit of measure set for the metric. |
valueType | String | Data type of the metric.
sensor | JSON | Sensor to which the metric belongs. See the structure of sensor JSON object below. |
id | Long | Id of the sensor |
name | String | Name of the sensor |
device | JSON | Device to which the metric belongs. See the structure of device JSON object below. |
id | Long | Id of the device |
name | String | Name of the device |
"data": {
"metrics": [
"id": "9ba3790e5dd0417cb87264a08f7a5b41",
"name": "Temperature-1",
"valueunit": "NoSI.Dimensionless.PERCENT",
"valuetype": "double",
"sensor": {
"id": 84391,
"name": "Thermometer-1-Floor-3B",
"device": {
"name": "IoT Gateway 1",
"id": 2012085255
"status": "OK"
"data": {
"metrics": [30]
"status": "OK"
"data": {
"metrics": [],
"deviceCount": 3
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | The name of the Rule |
ruleType | Integer | 1 - Rule related to metric values 2 - Rule related to device offline status |
sources | JSON[] | List of devices or metrics. See the structure of source JSON below. |
metricId | String | ID of the metric |
thingId | Integer | ID of the thing/sensor |
deviceId | Long | ID of the device |
thresholds | JSON[] | List of thresholds. See the structure of threshold JSON below. |
condition | String | Possible values
severity | Integer |
checkcount | Integer | Number of consecutive checks required to trigger an alarm |
topicIds | JSON[] | Array of existing topic ids |
newTopics | JSON[] | Array of new topic names |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "rule1",
"ruleType": 1,
"sources": [
"metricId": "6b1c072371104611961eca76d413528a",
"thingId": 96275
"thresholds": [
"condition": "metric==1",
"severity": 1,
"topicIds": [
"newTopics": [
"New load topic",
"Second topic"
"checkcount": 1
"data": {
"id": "5c40273ee27d3c716847f530"
"status": "OK"
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | String[] | List of rule IDs |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"id": ["5c40273ee27d3c716847f530", ...]
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | ID of the rule |
name | String | Name of the rule |
ruleType | Integer | 1 - Rule related to metric values 2 - Rule related to device offline status |
activeflag | Integer | 1 - Active rule 2 - Disabled rule |
sources | JSON[] | List of devices or metrics. See the structure of source JSON below. |
metricId | String | ID of the metric |
thingId | Integer | ID of the thing/sensor |
deviceId | Long | ID of the device |
thresholds | JSON[] | List of thresholds. See the structure of threshold JSON below. |
condition | String | Possible values
severity | Integer |
checkcount | Integer | Number of consecutive checks required to trigger an alarm |
topicIds | JSON[] | Array of existing topic ids |
newTopics | JSON[] | Array of new topic names |
"data": [
"id": "5d52a6e5e27d3b7b484fe2a8",
"name": "Detect Machine Overheating",
"ruletype": 1,
"activeflag": 1,
"thresholds": [
"severity": 1,
"condition": "metric>=60",
"checkcount": 1
"sources": [
"devicename": "CNC-Manifest-Floor1-SC1",
"sensorname": "Load",
"metricid": "38aca994a6764e5c8c7819c6e774f505",
"metricname": "1 min load",
"thingid": 82331
"devicename": "CNC-Manifest-Floor1-SC2",
"sensorname": "CPU",
"metricid": "ca2d8983375d47beb1af9a9d8ac21e36",
"metricname": "Nice CPU Usage",
"thingid": 54126
"id": "5d316ebee27d3b2ac5491d45",
"name": "Offline done",
"ruletype": 2,
"activeflag": 1,
"thresholds": [
"severity": 1,
"condition": "22",
"checkcount": 1
"sources": [
"deviceid": 2022634333,
"devicename": "vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | String | ID of the rule |
name optional |
String | The name of the Rule |
activeflag | Integer | 1 - Activate rule 2 - Disable rule |
sources optional |
JSON[] | List of devices or metrics. See the structure of source JSON below. |
metricId | String | ID of the metric |
thingId | Integer | ID of the thing/sensor |
deviceId | Long | ID of the device |
thresholds optional |
JSON[] | List of thresholds. See the structure of threshold JSON below. |
condition | String | Possible values
severity | Integer |
checkcount | Integer | Number of consecutive checks required to trigger an alarm |
topicIds | JSON[] | Array of existing topic ids |
newTopics | JSON[] | Array of new topic names |
"action": "update",
"payload": {
"id": "1c3a4acbe27d3b13ff2dc031",
"name": "CNC-1 Overheating",
"activeflag": 1,
"sources": [
"metricId": "b6dd1abbeb1d2cb1b9d62603f3d30bd3",
"thingId": 13892
"thresholds": [
"condition": "metric>41",
"severity": 2,
"topicIds": [
"checkcount": 1
"data": {
"id": "5c40273ee27d3c716847f530"
"status": "OK"
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Description |
range | [startTimestamp, endTimestamp] | startTimestamp - Epoch time of the time range start. endTimestamp - Epoch time of the time range end |
status | Integer | 1 - Open alarms 3 - Closed alarms |
"data": [
"severity": "1",
"changeLog": [],
"description": "rule1",
"source": {
"sourceKey": "2018301694_1111_2222",
"details": {
"sensor": "Memory",
"consCheck": "1",
"condition": "metric>0",
"value": "15",
"device": "RevPi1",
"metric": "Free Memory"
"id": "5c19dae2336bc71e230db72a"
"id": "5ea165ef-3d66-407c-82b5-15062a35d89d",
"type": "1",
"openTime": 1545292817957,
"status": "1"
"status": "OK"
"data": [
"severity": "1",
"changeLog": [],
"description": "device_rule1",
"source": {
"sourceKey": "2018301694",
"details": {
"device": "RevPi1",
"offlineDuration": "15"
"id": "5c19dae2336bc71e230db72a"
"id": "5ea165ef-3d66-407c-82b5-15062a35d89d",
"type": "2",
"openTime": 1545284319471,
"status": "1"
"status": "OK"
"data": [
"severity": "1",
"changeLog": [
"closeTime": 1545284319571,
"userId": "u111",
"prevVal": "Open",
"currentVal": "Closed By System",
"prop": "status"
"description": "metric rule",
"source": {
"sourceKey": "2018301694_1111_2222",
"details": {
"sensor": "Memory",
"consCheck": "1",
"condition": "metric>10",
"value": "5",
"device": "RevPi1",
"metric": "Free Memory"
"id": "5c19dae2336bc71e230db72a"
"id": "5ea165ef-3d66-407c-82b5-15062a35d89d",
"type": "1",
"openTime": 1545284319471,
"status": "3"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | close |
id | String | ID of the alarm |
"action": "close",
"payload": {
"id": "745ea3cb-fc67-49ec-9352-287f072c9f10"
"data": {
"changelog": {
"closetime": 1550736334329,
"userid": "u111",
"prevval": "Open",
"currentval": "Closed By User",
"prop": "status"
"id": "745ea3cb-fc67-49ec-9352-287f072c9f10",
"userid": "u111",
"opentime": 1550736264995,
"status": 3
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | The name of the Topic |
channels optional |
String[] | The array of channels' ids subscribing to the Topic |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "New Topic",
"channels": [
"data": {
"id": "5d4ab2b3d4f99c207961a15d"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | String | ID of the topic |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"id": "5d4ab2b3d4f99c207961a15d"
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | ID of the topic |
name | String | Name of the topic |
channels | JSON[] | List of channels subscribed to the topic. |
"data": [
"name": "Memory topic",
"id": "5d4838c0931d9a3214f399b6",
"channels": [
"name": "The second channel",
"id": "5d4838c0931d9a3214f399b5",
"target": ""
"name": "CPU topic",
"id": "5d483930931d9a3214f399b7"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | String | ID of the topic |
name | String | Name of the topic |
channels optional |
String[] | The array of channels' ids subscribing to the Topic |
"action": "update",
"payload": {
"id": "5d483827931d9a3214f399b4",
"name": "CPU overload",
"channels": [
"data": {
"id": "5d483827931d9a3214f399b4"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | Channel name |
type | Integer | 0 - Email channel 1 - Webhook channel |
target | String | Email address or webhook URL |
timeZoneId | String | Time zone string (GMT+02:00 Europe/Berlin) |
topicInfos optional |
JSON[] | Array of existing topic ids |
newTopics optional |
JSON[] | Array of new topic names |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "New channel",
"type": 0,
"target": "",
"timeZoneId": "GMT+02:00 Europe/Berlin",
"topicInfos": [
"newTopics": [
"Topic 5",
"Email topic"
"data": {
"id": "5d4ac2eed4f99c207961a162"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | String | ID of the channel |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"id": "5d483930931d9a3214f399b7"
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | Long | ID of the channel |
name | String | Name of the channel |
type | Integer | 0 - Email channel 1 - Webhook channel |
activeflag | Integer | 1 - Active channel 2 - Disabled channel 3 - Unconfirmed channel |
timezone | JSON | name - Country/Region offset - Time difference from UTC |
topicInfos | JSON[] | List of topics assigned to the channel id - Topic ID name - Topic name |
target | String | Email address or webhook URL |
"data": [
"id": "5d4ac2eed4f99c207961a162",
"name": "Channel 7",
"type": 1,
"activeflag": 3,
"timezone": {
"name": "Europe/Berlin",
"offset": "GMT+02:00"
"topicinfos": [
"id": "5d483930931d9a3214f399b7",
"name": "Load topic"
"target": ""
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | Long | ID of the channel |
name | String | Name of the channel |
target | String | Email address or webhook URL |
timeZoneId optional |
String | Time zone string (GMT+02:00 Europe/Berlin) |
topicInfos optional |
JSON[] | Array of existing topics ids. |
newTopics optional |
JSON[] | Array of new topics names. |
activeflag optional |
Integer | 1 - Activate channel 2 - Disable channel |
"action": "update",
"payload": {
"id": "5d4ac2eed4f99c207961a162",
"name": "updating the channel",
"target": "",
"timeZoneId": "GMT+02:00 Europe/Berlin",
"topicInfos": [
"newTopics": [
"Webhook topic"
"activeflag": 2
"data": {
"id": "5d4ac2eed4f99c207961a162"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | Dashboard name |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "Load Dashboard"
"data": {
"name": "Load Dashboard",
"id": "5c46c87e9cd2501c5ea361b1"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | String | ID of the dashboard |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"id": "5c46c87e9cd2501c5ea361b1"
"status": "OK"
"data": [
"name": "Dashboard 2",
"id": "5c46c6d09cd25017f115a7d9"
"name": "Load Dashboard",
"id": "5c46c87e9cd2501c5ea361b1"
"name": "CPU dash. - 5th room",
"id": "5c4b1c7b9cd2502c5a1d5562"
"status": "OK"
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | ID of the dashboard |
"data": {
"id": "5c46c87e9cd2501c5ea361b1",
"name": "Dashboard!",
"widgets": [
"name": "My Widget",
"layout": {
"width": 4,
"height": 6,
"positionx": "4",
"positiony": "0",
"widgetid": "5e5f5434a7287b0a4573be6a"
"settings": {
"dataperiod": 1,
"limit": 900,
"aggregation": {
"method": "AVG",
"period": 1000
"refreshInterval": 60000
"id": "5e5f5434a7287b0a4573be6a",
"metrics": [
"name": "My Metric",
"uom": "NoSI.Dimensionless.PERCENT",
"sensor": {
"name": "R1",
"beehivename": "raspberrypi",
"id": 110811,
"provisionedsensorid": "94b7e17f127143fdb13a876969aff857"
"id": "b7f0afa8594c4c1bb8a7bb1aefccf6af"
"type": "1"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | String | ID of the dashboard |
name | String | Name of the dashboard |
"action": "update",
"payload": {
"name": "CPU dash. - 5th room",
"id": "5c4b1c7b9cd2502c5a1d5562"
"data": {
"name": "CPU dash. - 5th room",
"id": "5c4b1c7b9cd2502c5a1d5562"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
dashboardId | String | ID of the dashboard. |
name | String | Name of the widget |
type | Number | Type of the widget 1 - Chart 2 - Number 7 - Gauge 8 - Thermometer 9 - Map 10 - String 11 - Status Indicator |
metrics | JSON[] | id - Metric id sensor - Sensor id with format { "id": 96314 } |
layout optional |
JSON | Size and position of the widget in the dashboard. For more information check "Layout properties" part. |
settings optional |
JSON | Settings for the widget. For more information check "Setting properties" part. |
Layout properties optional
Dashboard using grid layout with the sizes 10x and 20y to position the widgets. x and y will be calculated automatically based on browser size. All properties below using the grid units, not pixels. Only integer numbers should be provided here.
Field | Type | Description |
width | Number | Width of the widget Default value - 2, for chart and map types - 4 |
height | Number | Height of the widget Default value - 6 |
positionX | String | Position of the left-top point of the widget in the dashboard's x-axis |
positionY | String | Position of the left-top point of the widget in the dashboard's y-axis |
Setting properties optional
Field | Type | Description |
dataPeriod | Number | Data request period for the widget. 1 - Live (default) 2 - Last 5 min. 3 - Last 15 min. 4 - Last 30 min. 5 - Last 1 hour 6 - Last 6 hours 7 - Last 12 hours 8 - Last 1 day 9 - Last 1 week 10 - Last 1 month |
aggregation | JSON | Aggregation properties. method - Aggregation function MIN MAX AVG(default) STDEV COUNT period - Aggregation time period in ms |
refreshInterval | Number | Widget refresh frequency in ms |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"dashboardId": "5c5af70fb0e37d00056d25ea",
"name":"Number Widget",
"type": 2,
"metrics": [
"sensor": {
"id": 96314
"id": "2a4664fef3344d5f919b59832d304dbf"
"layout": {
"width": 2,
"height": 6
"status": "OK"
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"dashboardId": "5c5af70fb0e37d00056d25ea",
"name":"String Widget",
"type": 10,
"metrics": [
"sensor": {
"id": 96314
"id": "2a4664fef3344d5f919b59832d304dbf"
"status": "OK"
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"dashboardId": "5c5af70fb0e37d00056d25ea",
"name":"Status Indicator Widget",
"type": 11,
"metrics": [
"sensor": {
"id": 66314
"id": "3a4664fef3344d5f919b59832d304dbe"
"status": "OK"
Chart Widget Settings
Field | Type | Description |
axisTypeoptional |
Number | 1 - Single axis (default) 2 - Multiple axis Multiple axis available only for multiple metrics. |
scalingTypeoptional |
Number | 1 - Autoscaling (default) 2 - Manual Manual scaling type available only for single axis |
minValue | String | Minimum value for the y-axis in case of manual scaling type |
maxValue | String | Maximum value for the y-axis in case of manual scaling type |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"dashboardId": "5c5af70fb0e37d00056d25ea",
"name":"Chart Widget",
"type": 1,
"metrics": [
"sensor": {
"id": 96314
"id": "2a4664fef3344d5f919b59832d304dbf"
"settings": {
"axisType": 1,
"scalingType": 2,
"minValue": "0",
"maxValue": "30"
"status": "OK"
Gauge Widget Settings
Field | Type | Description |
minValue | String | Minimum value for the gauge |
maxValue | String | Maximum value for the gauge |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"dashboardId": "5c5af70fb0e37d00056d25ea",
"name":"Gauge Widget",
"type": 7,
"metrics": [
"sensor": {
"id": 96314
"id": "2a4664fef3344d5f919b59832d304dbf"
"settings": {
"minValue": "0",
"maxValue": "90"
"status": "OK"
Thermometer Widget Settings
Field | Type | Description |
minValue | String | Minimum value for the thermometer |
maxValue | String | Maximum value for the thermometer |
unitoptional |
Number | 1 - Celsius (default) 2 - Fahrenheit Value unit for the thmermometer |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"dashboardId": "5c5af70fb0e37d00056d25ea",
"name":"Thermometer Widget",
"type": 8,
"metrics": [
"sensor": {
"id": 96314
"id": "2a4664fef3344d5f919b59832d304dbf"
"settings": {
"minValue": "0",
"maxValue": "90",
"unit": 1
"status": "OK"
Map Widget Settings
Field | Type | Description |
lng | String | thingId_metricId pair of the metric that will receive location's longtitude |
lat | String | thingId_metricId pair of the metric that will receive location's latitude |
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"dashboardId": "5c5af70fb0e37d00056d25ea",
"name":"Map Widget",
"type": 9,
"metrics": [
"sensor": {
"id": 96314
"id": "2a4664fef3344d5f919b59832d304dbf"
"sensor": {
"id": 96314
"id": "3e4665yklf344d5f919b59832d304ccd"
"settings": {
"lng": "96314_2a4664fef3344d5f919b59832d304dbf",
"lat": "96314_3e4665yklf344d5f919b59832d304ccd"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | String | ID of the widget |
dashboardId | String | ID of the dashboard |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"dashboardId": "5a8d2efb336bc740e5a08139",
"id": "1234365657554353"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | String | ID of the widget |
dashboardId | String | ID of the dashboard |
name optional |
String | Widget name |
type optional |
String | Widget type |
"action": "update",
"payload": {
"name": "CPU2",
"id": "1507105642373",
"dashboardId" : "5a8d2efb336bc740e5a08139"
"status": "OK"
Returns time series data of metrics. Data aggregation is also available.
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Description |
range | [startTimestamp, endTimestamp] | startTimestamp - Epoch time of the time range start. endTimestamp - Epoch time of the time range end |
period optional |
Long | Data aggregation period in ms. E.g. to get hourly aggreated data period should be set to 3600000 If the period is not set, data will not be aggregated. |
metrics | JSON[] | List of metrics to retrieve data for. See the structure of metric JSON below. |
sensorId | Long | ID of the sensor the metric belongs to |
metricId optional |
String | If metricId is not set, data for all metrics of the sensor will be received |
func optional |
String | Data aggregation function. Meaningful only if period parameter is set.
"data": [
"result": [
{"value": 0, "timestamp": 1574679580889},
{"value": 0, "timestamp": 1574679640889}
"metricId": "9414e8d582e64e6ead90b549cc4173ef",
"func": "AVG",
"sensorId": 106624
"status": "OK"
Returns last values of metrics/sensors specified in request.
Request Parameters
Field | Type | Description |
sensorids | Long[] | List of sensor IDs to retrieve data for. |
"data": [
"temp": "49",
"sensorId": 811617,
"timestamp": 1549968244542
"humidity": "33",
"sensorId": 8262216,
"timestamp": 1549968244304
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | The name of the device configuration. |
configuration | JSON[] | List of configurable entities. See the structure of configuration JSON object below. |
key | String | Name of the configurable entity. Possible values are:
value | JSON[] | Details of the configurable entity. For concrete JSON structure check Edge Module Settings and Edge Management Settings sections. |
enforce | boolean | If set to true the configuration parameters will be enforced on the device. |
For Edge Module the value field is a list of edge module ids.
Edge Management Settings
Field | Type | Description |
key | String | enable |
value | Boolean | Possible values are
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "device configuration for edge-management",
"configuration": [
"key": "edge-management",
"value": [
"key": "enable",
"value": true
"enforce": true
"key": "edge-module",
"value": [
"enforce": true
"data": {
"id": "6a2911fa-ec4f-4642-be14-47a571232eab"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | String | ID of the device configuration |
name | String | Name of the device configuration |
configuration | JSON[] | List of configirable entities. See the structure of configuration JSON object below. |
key | String | Name of the configurable entity. Possible values are:
value | JSON[] | Details of the configurable entity. For concrete JSON structure check Edge Module Settings and Edge Management Settings sections. |
enforce | boolean | If set to true the configuration parameters will be enforced on the device. |
"action": "UPDATE",
"payload": {
"name" : "Updated device configuration",
"id": "d281543-c6d7-49c7-89c7-03698598b39a",
"configuration": [
"key": "edge-management",
"value": [
"key": "enable",
"value": true
"enforce": true
"key": "edge-module",
"value": [
"enforce": true
"data": {},
"status": "OK",
"timestamp": 1566915515424
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | String | ID of the device configuration |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"id": "6a2911fa-ec4f-4642-be14-47a571232eab"
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | ID of the device configuration |
name | String | Device configuration name |
configuration | JSON[] | List of configurable entities. See the structure of configuration JSON object below. |
key | String | Name of the configurable entity. Possible values are:
value | JSON[] | Details of the configurable entity. For concrete JSON structure check Edge Module Settings and Edge Management Settings sections. |
enforce | boolean | If set to true the configuration parameters will be enforced on the device. |
assignments | JSON[] | List of devices and groups that this device configuration is assigned to. |
deviceIds | JSON[] | The list of assigned device ids in following format ["deviceid1","deviceid2"] . |
The list of group ids in following format
Field | Type | Description |
edgeModuleId | String | ID of the IoT Edge Module |
name | String | Edge Module Name |
repository | JSON | For details check Edge Module Repository Properties section. |
containerOptions optional |
JSON | For details check Edge Module Container Options section. |
"data": [
"name": "device-configuration1",
"configuration": [
"key": "edge-management",
"value": [
"key": "enable",
"value": false
"enforce": true
"key": "edge-module",
"value": [
"id": "8a2901fa-ec4f-4642-be14-47a571232eac",
"moduleName": "New Edge Module",
"accessType": "public",
"dockerImageName": "myImageName"
"containerOptions": {
"startupFile": "/home/service/",
"portMapping": [
{"hostPort":1111, "containerPort": 2222},
{"hostPort":3333, "containerPort": 4444}
"id": "4b5601fa-ec4f-4656-ce14-46b571255eac",
"moduleName": "New Edge Module",
"accessType": "public",
"dockerImageName": "myImageName"
"containerOptions": {
"startupFile": "/home/service/"
"enforce": true
"id": "1bb15255-72af-43f9-b8ee-f001cefee9b9",
"assignments": {
"devices": [
"groups": [
"name": "device-configuration2",
"configuration": [
"key": "edge-module",
"value": [
"id": "8a2901fa-ec4f-4642-be14-47a571232eac",
"moduleName": "New Edge Module",
"accessType": "public",
"dockerImageName": "myImageName"
"containerOptions": {
"startupFile": "/home/service/",
"portMapping": [
{"hostPort":1111, "containerPort": 2222},
{"hostPort":3333, "containerPort": 4444}
"id": "4b5601fa-ec4f-4656-ce14-46b571255eac",
"moduleName": "New Edge Module",
"accessType": "public",
"dockerImageName": "myImageName"
"containerOptions": {
"startupFile": "/home/service/"
"enforce": true
"id": "1bb15255-72af-43f9-b8ee-f001cefee7b9",
"assignments": {
"devices": [
"groups": [
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | String | ID of the device configuration |
deviceIds optional |
JSON[] | The list of device ids in following format ["deviceid1","deviceid2"] |
groupIds optional |
JSON[] | The list of group ids in following format ["groupid1","groupid2"] |
"action": "UPDATE",
"payload": {
"deviceIds": [
"groupIds": [
"id": "28696f84-6f4d-4664-8255-d779e7a57d96"
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | Long | ID of the contact |
name | String | Name of the contact |
state | Integer | Availability status of the contact. 0 - Online 1 - Busy 2 - Away 3 - Offline |
String | Email of the contact |
"data": [
"name": "iotdev",
"id": 6574,
"state": 3,
"email": ""
"name": "test",
"id": 5380,
"state": 3,
"email": ""
"status": "OK",
"timestamp": 1566990110004
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | create |
name | String | Edge Module Name |
repository | JSON | For details check Edge Module Repository Properties section. |
containerOptions optional |
JSON | For details check Edge Module Container Options section. |
Edge Module Repository Properties
Field | Type | Description |
accessType | String | public |
dockerImageName | String | Docker image name. Allowed characters are [A–Z, a–z], [0–9], [_,-] (no special symbols) and has a limitation of maximum 50 characters. |
Field | Type | Description |
startupFile optional |
String | Startup file name. It should be a valid path, file extension is mandatory. |
portMapping optional |
JSON[] | List of port mappings between docker container and the host. Possible keys are:
"action": "create",
"payload": {
"name": "New Edge Module",
"accessType": "public",
"dockerImageName": "myImageName"
"containerOptions": {
"startupFile": "/home/service/",
"portMapping": [
{"hostPort":1111, "containerPort": 2222},
{"hostPort":3333, "containerPort": 4444}
"data": {
"id": "5d4ac2eed4f99c207961a162"
"status": "OK"
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | delete |
id | String | ID of the Edge Module |
"action": "delete",
"payload": {
"id": "5d483930931d9a3214f399b7"
"status": "OK"
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | ID of the Edge Module |
name | String | Name of the Edge Module |
repository | JSON | For details check Edge Module Repository Properties section. |
containerOptions | JSON | For details check Edge Module Container Options section. |
deviceConfigurationIds | JSON[] | List of device configuration IDs in following format |
"name":"New Edge Module",
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
action | String | update |
id | String | ID of the Edge Module |
name optional |
String | Name of the Edge Module |
repository optional |
JSON | For details check Edge Module Repository Properties section. |
containerOptions optional |
JSON | For details check Edge Module Container Options section. |
"action": "update",
"payload": {
"id": "5d4ac2eed4f99c207961a162",
"name": "New Edge Module",
"accessType": "public",
"dockerImageName": "myImageName"
"containerOptions": {
"startupFile": "/home/service/",
"portMapping": [
{"hostPort":1111, "containerPort": 2222},
{"hostPort":3333, "containerPort": 4444}
"data": {
"id": "5d4ac2eed4f99c207961a162"
"status": "OK"