This documentation describes the use of the TeamViewer IoT Agent API. The API uses version 3.1 of the MQTT protocol.
The API is based on the publish-subscribe model.
For publish methods that expect a response, a subscribe topic is defined. The API also lets you subscribe to ErrorTopics
to receive error messages and ErrorCodes
See Error Code Descriptions for possible errors and their descriptions.
You can find Mosquitto command line examples for all API requests in their descriptions.
Windows: API examples are provided for Command Prompt.
Note: you can use wildcards to subscribe to multiple topics at once. Refer to the MQTT man page under "Wildcard Topic Subscriptions".
Placeholders are used to represent variables in topic declarations in the descriptions and examples below.
You can identify a placeholder by the starting colon :
The table below describes the placeholder variables used in this documentation.
Placeholder | Description |
:version |
API version. Currently, only v1.0 is supported. |
:clientId |
Client ID retrieved from the CommonName attribute of the certificate. |
:sensorId |
Sensor ID retrieved in response to a Create Sensor request or defined by the user in a Push Metric Values request. |
:metricId |
Metric ID retrieved in response to a Create Metric request or defined by the user in a Push Metric Values request. |
The API uses a data model consisting of three main components: client, sensor and metric.
Client is the authorized unit that establishes a secure connection to the TeamViewer IoT Agent. All sensors and metrics are uniquely identified within the scope of a client.
Sensor is a logical unit that groups one or more metrics for pushing data to TeamViewer IoT. It is recommended to update all metrics that belong to the same sensor simultaneously to ensure that the data arrives with the same timestamp, so that it is better processed by rule engines.
Metric is the container for the actual value pushed to TeamViewer IoT. The metric must belong to a sensor and can’t exist independently.
Creating a new client and obtaining the client ID is the starting point for establishing a secure connection to the TeamViewer IoT Agent. The Agent only accepts fully authorized connections. To obtain an authorized client certificate, a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) must be generated. The CSR must be published to the TeamViewer IoT Agent. The signed client certificate will be provided back by the Agent through the subscribe topic.
Windows: As OpenSSL is not available in Command Prompt by default, examples using OpenSSL are provided for Git Bash.
Generate a CSR using OpenSSL or any other similar tool.
The certificate must be in PEM encoded format.
The CommonName
attribute will be used as a client name.
It cannot be empty and may contain only [a-z, A-Z]
, [0-9]
and . * - , @ ' _
Please note that after the agent signs the CSR, the CommonName
attribute will be replaced with a unique ID, known as the Client ID.
openssl req -nodes -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -out csr.pem
Publish the CSR created in Step 1 to MQTT API port 18883
Copy the contents of the CSR (csr.pem file generated in Step 1), wrap the text in quotes and send it as the message in the MQTT publish request.
The signed certificate will be sent back through the subscribe topic.
Copy the received signed certificate and save as a file (e.g. clientCert.crt) for future use.
The :hash
in the subcribe topic is the SHA-256
digest of the certificate signing request created in Step 1.
openssl dgst -sha256 csr.pem
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18883 --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/createClient -f csr.pem
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18883 --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /certBack/83a32b8cbae161ab995b1d3bce24715579c4c672f69ca48a24350baaaed40d17
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEPjCCAiagAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBEMQswCQYDVQQGEwJERTEc MBoGA1UEAwwTVGVhbVZpZXdlckF1dGhvcml0eTEXMBUGA1UECgwOVGVhbVZpZXdl ckdtYkgwHhcNMTgwMTExMDkyNzQ0WhcNMTkwMTExMDkyNzQ0WjBwMQswCQYDVQQG EwJERTETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UECgwYSW50ZXJuZXQgV2lk Z2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMSkwJwYDVQQDDCAwNmE5ZDkyMTllYjk0OTdjOTk1MjE2ZTEz MGFiNjc0ODCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALxww/Pyulld +zK2I3EeokpxvmD/y2xS/x0/bDwxbHIl4Apk8CebpZRil+VhtDwHwwkHk90jMuRb EOeYsXvuoE7r7EUbQnpf8/WO+orLyBwFO0x7BP1GYuene78b9jkWRaKVaek5uhld N4I3WBKDj2mdxzTS1ZoZIoyFYD5LzCDXcm4igfyEZutHa0757gHNrVRbe3iWNpVY w9wqoTGPvH2G+Hcvec64hYHccVOuR/UEbcSb553wLnFWKRWLGi6f3WJFGX6tqFw1 QoLyE2p24mrUAqP0/myDbEc+dEPksbYqPunz/0d71jtS+W+/XmTAw5WyLq3D/k8i NQI/ODzGho0CAwEAAaMPMA0wCwYDVR0PBAQDAgOoMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IC AQA/W3GyvxuZw8GtA+5VoJT5hqBxak3puOAQf1khTqVF1eimOMbgSgcTXWg97LhZ BoN6ZDrKZDpQmLznR217PCLdErH9/O04ofEkufXWdr10/Sj8u4OGtTOW3rfSsPDV cACLYMVs+pqJwiTVWLchY0XYrOQ5bUr2qTapaKMF8t3+Do5u1b7cIC1+hf88NTkF f9laNCICzVhB+RrwACcjeOMXqc/1iha8pdSL6i/J2Y2TxQ99c+0p2Rn31wJv7zBV 1hSUI5U8ixVfWE2UFMsqnPtFE8Y3HRhAHWdWthWkccya5FnFTo7+asPwYoVXkOXP Vqgcj4NbZVpu7vBkTMmMc6H2a/Ilh1YkuSrGnY1ObVcXLatMfT0yX4fG0fkJD/qV MMMxY2lclkaTQlePDIjDua1ifHZMFJzCBd95VYpucdKkTizumA7o/YVgbjMO8zfr bhLkad7N18Y/7QWEjU0hTx362xt3uBXdo/3Kcwu3eK6Giozkdeeaov3wjviSIEY2 zcOee9o8ihr4P0zBbRhXmfLA1CRnp7UMe6AFz9vfLoOb0dj9rfJ1WP4f+njirBox ooLdsd+d5hTaBO/cCAekbd6+ooAQRQfcDxdMTSu66mjo16QmGEs28+Q5o1NS1l3S U1c+5xNCrVzI4lYd2jvpatunvtvuyj/S9PEzE1C0dUYR6g== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
After receiving the certificate, you can retrieve a unique Client ID by parsing the CommonName
attribute of the certificate.
The client ID is required in every future request through the API.
openssl x509 -noout -subject -in clientCert.crt -nameopt multiline | grep commonName | sed -r 's/commonName/ /g' | sed -r 's/=/ /g' | xargs | tr -d " \t\n\r"
This publish request checks if the connection to the TeamViewer IoT Agent is alive. A custom JSON message can be sent to verify the connection. If the connection is alive, a response containing the published message will be received back. You must subscribe to the subscribe topic defined below to receive the response.
Success Response
Name | Type | Description |
Message | String | The same message published to the request. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/ping -m "{ \"request\" : \"Some Message\" }"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/ping/info/inbox
"answer": "Some Message"
This publish request updates the client. JSON message containing the new name must be published to the publish topic.
Success Response
Field | Type | Description |
name | String | New name of the client. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/update -m "{ \"name\" : \"New client name\" }"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/update/info/inbox
"Client name was successfully updated."
This publish request deletes the client specified in the publish topic. The request will also result in deletion of the sensors and metrics associated with the client. No message will be given in the response topic. The client authorization certificate will be invalid after this call.
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/delete -m "{}"
This publish request updates metric values. Prior creation of a sensor and metrics is not required. The system checks for the existence of the given sensor and metric IDs. If these don't exist, the system creates the missing sensor or metrics. For newly created metrics and sensors:
ID can contain only [a-z, A-Z]
, [0-9]
, [ _ - ]
symbols, space and has a limitation of maximum 32 characters.
If metric values are successfully updated, the same values are also sent to the livedata
Message definition
Field | Type | Description |
metrics | Array | List of metric objects and their updated values. |
metricId | String | Unique metric ID defined by user or received upon registration of a new metric. |
value | String | New metric value. |
timestamp optional |
Long | Timestamp (milliseconds since Epoch) of the measurement. Timestamp will be automatically set to current time if not specified. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/weather/metric/pushValues -m "{ \"metrics\": [ {\"value\" : 21.5, \"metricId\" : \"temp\" }, {\"value\" : 21.5, \"metricId\" : \"humidity\" } ] , \"timestamp\": 1590394246545}"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/weather/info/inbox
"Sensor was updated."
Real-time data analysis applications can subscribe to the livedata
topic to get metric values and do data analysis.
The metric values that are being pushed using Push Data action of the TV Web API can be accessed by subscribing to the livedata topic of the corresponding sensor.
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/weather/livedata
This publish request creates a new sensor. A JSON message containing the name of the new sensor must be published to the topic. A message containing a JSON object with the name of the sensor and a unique ID will be received through the subscribe topic.
Success Response
Name | Type | Description |
sensorId | String | Unique ID used in API requests to identify the sensor. This ID must be stored and reused by your application. |
name | String | Sensor name - same as sent by the user in the publish request. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/create -m "{ \"name\" : \"SensorName\" }"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/inbox
"name": "SensorName",
"sensorId": "d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a"
This publish request returns a list of all sensors and metrics associated with the given client.
Success Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Sensor name. |
sensorId | String | Sensor ID. |
metricId | String | Metric ID. |
link | String | Topic which can be used to obtain more information about a particular metric. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/list -m "{}"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/inventory/inbox
"metrics" : [
"link" : "/v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab/inventory",
"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab"
"link" : "/v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ac/inventory",
"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ac"
"link" : "/v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ad/inventory",
"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ad"
"name" : "unispeed6",
"sensorId" : "d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a",
"store" : true
This publish lets you update the name and status of the sensor.
Message definition
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the sensor. |
state optional |
Integer |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/update -m "{ \"name\" : \"SensorName\" }"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/update/info/inbox
"Sensor was changed."
This publish request deletes the sensor specified in the publish topic. After deletion no updates are possible for that sensor.
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/delete -m "{}"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/delete/info/inbox
"Sensor was deleted."
This publish request creates new metrics within the sensor specified in the publish topic. The published message must contain the necessary metadata for the metrics, which can be defined in two ways:
Definition over predefined units of values:
When defining a metric with a unit of value that is already defined in the valueUnit
table below, the following fields must be present in the JSON message: matchingId
, valueUnit
and the name
of the metric.
Definition over custom defined units of values:
When defining a metric with a custom unit of value, the following fields must be present in the JSON message: matchingId
, valueType
, name
and valueAnnotation
. This way of defining a metric gives complete flexibility in what kind of data you want to push to TeamViewer IoT.
Message definition
Field | Type | Description |
metrics | Array | Lists of metric objects. |
matchingId | String | Used to match data received in the subscribe topic. |
name | String | Name of the metric. |
valueUnit | String | Optional field to define a predefined unit for metric values. The metric type will be a double in the case of these units. Predefined valid units are:
valueAnnotation | String | Optional field to define a custom unit for metric values. |
valueType | String | Defines the type of the custom defined unit. Valid entries are:
Success Response
Name | Type | Description |
matchingId | String | Matches the requested metric with the response metric. |
metricId | String | Unique ID used in API requests to identify the metric. This ID must be stored and reused by your application. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/create -m "{\"metrics\" : [{\"matchingId\" : \"1\", \"valueUnit\": \"NoSI.Dimensionless.PERCENT\", \"name\" : \"CPUUsage\" },{\"matchingId\" : \"2\",\"valueUnit\": \"NoSI.Dimensionless.PERCENT\", \"name\" :\"CPUIdle\" }, {\"matchingId\" : \"3\", \"valueType\" : \"integer\" , \"valueAnnotation\": \"goods per minute\", \"name\" : \"ShopFloor1\"}]}"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/inbox
"matchingId" : "1",
"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab"
"matchingId" : "2",
"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ac"
"matchingId" : "3",
"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ad"
This publish request returns a JSON object containing the metadata definition of the metric specified in the publish topic. The metric must belong to the sensor specified in the publish topic.
Success Response
Name | Type | Description |
lastUpdated | String | Epoch timestamp in microseconds. |
metricId | String | Metric ID. |
name | String | Metric name. |
value | String | Last value of the metric received by the API. |
valueUnit | String | Present if a metric is defined with predefined units for values. |
valueType | String | Present if a metric is defined with a custom unit for values. |
valueAnnotation | String | Present if a metric is defined with a custom unit for values. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab/describe -m "{}"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab/inventory/inbox
"lastUpdated" : 9223372036854775,
"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab",
"name" : "CPUUsage",
"value" : 0.0,
"valueUnit" : "NoSI.Dimensionless.PERCENT"
This publish request updates the name and valueAnnotation of the registered metrics. A JSON message containing the new name, valueAnnotation and respective metric IDs must be published to the publish topic.
Message definition
Field | Type | Description |
metrics | Array | List of all metric objects to be updated. |
metricId | String | Metric ID. |
name optional |
String | Metric name. |
valueAnnotation optional |
String | Custom value annotation of the metric. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/910f591dd35e424d8303a22b9a50cb0a/metric/update -m "{ \"metrics\": [ {\"metricId\" : \"94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ad\", \"name\" : \"metric new name\", \"valueAnnotation\": \"new description of measurement\" } ] }"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/910f591dd35e424d8303a22b9a50cb0a/metric/update/info/inbox
"All metrics were successfully modified."
This publish request deletes metrics specified in the publish request JSON message. All metrics specified in the request must belong to the sensor specified in the publish topic. After deletion no updates are possible for the deleted metrics.
Message definition
Field | Type | Description |
metrics | Array | List of metric objects. |
metricId | String | Metric ID. |
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/delete -m "{\"metrics\": [{\"metricId\" : \"94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab\" },{\"metricId\" : \"94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ac\" }] }"
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -p 18884 --cert clientCert.crt --key privkey.pem --cafile /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt -t /v1.0/6d69c58223fb44a7b76ae61a18faf37c/sensor/d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a/metric/delete/info/inbox
"All metrics were successfully deleted."
In case a publish message results in an error, an error response will be published to the respective error topic.
Error Response Structure
Name | Type | Description |
errorMessage | String | Description of the error |
errorcode | Integer | Numerical code for the specific error |
metrics | Array | An optional property, which provides the list of metric IDs for the following errors: 23, 24, 26, 27. See the information about error codes in the table bellow. |
Error Codes
Error Code | Error Name | Description |
1 | NoBackendConnection | Server is not reachable. |
2 | Reserved | Reserved for future use. |
3 | InternalError | Internal Error. Please check the logs at /var/log/teamviewer-iot-agent/teamviewer-iot-agent_logfile.log. |
4 | InvalidJson | Content is not valid JSON. |
5 | JsonIsNotAnObject | Content is not valid JSON. |
6 | MissingParameter | The message you provided does not contain a required key. Please refer to the error message and message definition to fix the error. |
7 | ParameterIsNotAString | The key indicated in the error message is not of type string. |
8 | ParameterIsNotADouble | The key indicated in the error message is not of type double. |
9 | ParameterIsNotABool | The key indicated in the error message is not of type bool. |
10 | ParameterIsNotAnArray | The key indicated in the error message is not an array. |
11 | ParameterIsNotAnInteger | The key indicated in the error message is not of type integer. |
12 | UnknownValueUnit | The provided valueUnit is not valid. |
13 | UnknownMetricType | Only bool, string, double and integer value types are supported. |
14 | ValueUnitOrValueTypeHasToBeProvided | valueUnit or valueType and valueAnnotation is missing. |
15 | UnknownSensorId | The provided sensor ID does not exist. |
16 | UnknownMetricId | The provided metric ID does not exist. |
17 | NoMetricsUpdated [deprecated] | There were errors on every metric provided. No metric was updated. |
18 | ForbiddenAccess | The requested resource does not exist. |
19 | OutOfRange | The frequency value is out of range. |
20 | CertificateFormatError | An error occurred while parsing the certificate signing request. |
21 | CertificateIsEmptyError | The submitted certificate signing request is empty. |
22 | CertificateWithoutCommonName | Cannot retrieve the CommonName attribute from the certificate signing request. |
23 | DeleteMetricsFailed | Failed to delete the following metrics. |
24 | ChangeMetricsFailed | Failed to modify some metrics. |
25 | InvalidClientName | Client name is not valid. |
26 | CreateMetricsFailed | Failed to create the following metrics. |
27 | PushValuesFailed | Failed to push values to some metrics. |
28 | SensorNameExistsError | Sensor name already exists. |